Unashamed: Musings of a Fat, Black Muslim – A Powerful Memoir by Leah Vernon

Unashamed, Unapologetic & Unbelievably Unique – this is Leah Vernon

She is a remarkable individual who embodies a diverse range of identities and professions. Leah is an influential Plus Size Hijabi model, activist, public speaker, and role model, among other things. However, what truly sets her apart is her multifaceted approach to inspiring and engaging with audiences through various media platforms.

Leah’s impact has been nothing short of extraordinary. Her combined views have surpassed a million, and she has been featured in over a hundred renowned media outlets, including The New York Times and Buzzfeed. Her content spans a wide spectrum, encompassing daily vlogs, turban tutorials, blog articles, interviews, experiential essays, and even her own book. With her diverse skill set, Leah proves to be a true all-rounder. Her contributions to the body positivity movement have propelled her rapidly growing popularity, sparking both passionate discussions and support.

At the core of her work lies a profound intrinsic motivation. Some perceive it as a radical act of self-love, while others view it as a niche that addresses the marketplace feminism, similar to other “girl power” campaigns. Nevertheless, Leah’s approach to challenging social structures dominated by white norms, heteronormativity, patriarchal values, and imbalanced power relations is undeniably refreshing. She fearlessly expresses her viewpoints, which are often as bold as her regularly showcased outfits on her Instagram account (@lvernon2000). However, Leah transcends the conventional realm of a fashion blogger. As a social movement advocate, she fearlessly criticizes an industry that unfortunately continues to exclude individuals like her—Black, fat, Muslim, or a combination of these identities.

Hailing from Detroit, Leah Vernon, like the beloved and empowering Lizzo, is a tenacious woman who conquers obstacles with determination. Social media serves as her platform to speak truth to power and voice her thoughts. It may be hard to believe, but Leah hasn’t always possessed such strength and a positive mindset. Her journey has been arduous and remains an ongoing process. Yet, Leah’s story resonates with countless women and men, and her fanbase is profoundly grateful that she has captured her thoughts, stories, and experiences in her recently released book, Unashamed: Musings of a Fat, Black Muslim. With the addition of “author” to her already impressive list of professions, Leah Vernon continues to inspire others.

Her book serves as an evolution of her blog, Beauty and the Muse, where she has been sharing everyday life hacks and driving discussions on body positivity since 2013. Although the book’s eye-catching cover may initially suggest a bold exterior, its content delves into a more intimate realm, offering a revealing and healing memoir. Vernon candidly discusses mental health issues, the emotional aftermath of divorce, abuse, and her personal journey with her weight, race, and faith. Similar to life itself, the book takes readers on a rollercoaster ride, showcasing the struggle for self-acceptance that many of us encounter.

Having grown up in an environment where expressing herself fully was challenging, Leah’s progress is incredibly inspiring. She fearlessly shares her thoughts and feelings, which is a rarity in today’s world. Her words are raw, daring, and incredibly necessary and appreciated. Whether one identifies as Black, fat, or Muslim, it is empowering to know that there are others fighting against outdated racial and gender stereotypes, fat shaming, misogynistic tropes, and power imbalances within society and religion. Thanks to the dynamic and influential Leah, individuals can once again feel like the most confident and empowered individuals in any room, without relying on shapewear.