Protecting Our Planet: The Mindset Behind Nike ACG

As outdoor sports gain popularity among youth, Nike ACG aims to inspire and support this movement. Designed with sustainability in mind, Nike ACG is not just about gear, but also a mindset that prioritizes the well-being of our planet. Amidst the pandemic, the Earth was given a chance to rejuvenate and flourish, and now more than ever, it is important to appreciate and protect our surroundings. Small actions, such as using reusable items or thrifting, can make a big difference in preserving our planet. With only a limited time until irreversible damage is done, it is crucial that we take responsibility and act now. Let’s cherish and care for our muse, our source of life and energy – the Earth.

When everything started changing with the pandemic, and the world went into its first wave of lockdowns, it was like the earth finally got to take a deep inhale and breathe. The air was cleaner, traffic let up, and the skies looked amazing everywhere. Our muse got to rest. She really benefited from those empty streets, a short term detox. Once we gave her some space, she thrived on her own, and now, more young people than ever are learning to embrace and enjoy her beauty. You know, that mother lady?

With all the social distancing and virtual socialization, we should appreciate the time alone. Even utilize it. Give it some time to show us what’s really important in life and that includes our surroundings. No matter what people do, our Earth tries to defend herself. She’s fighting back pretty hard so we need to do better to not ruin her, she’s all we got. That’s why when we treat what’s around us the way we want to be treated, it reflects in us, makes us better people.

Preservation starts small. Do what’s so easy for you to do that you still haven’t gotten around to doing. Whether it’s buying more things wrapped in paper, reusable things, or thrifting something we may want and know is out there already. At least start with these few things, if not way more.

In this exact moment, we have 7 years, 55 days, until our mistakes can’t be reversed and by the time you read this more days have passed. Nothing is more important than this, because if this is gone none of the other things will matter. She’s what keeps us alive – our source of life and energy. Maybe this sounds like a love letter, and so what if it is. The Earth is our muse. I need to do more too, but at least I can acknowledge my shortcomings and do something about it. For all of you out there who haven’t started, take a moment to think about it, and you’ll hopefully realize it before it’s too late.

We’ve asked a few of Title’s friends to give us some insight on their perspectives, experiences or maybe even realizations. Other love letters.

In what ways has nature and the great outdoors been a part of your life since the pandemic outbreak? 

Being in nature was one of the things that kept me sane through this year. When life gets tough, I just go into a forest and breathe – and it helps. No wonder “forest bathing” is a legitimate therapy in Japan, called Shinrin-Yoku. Being in forest improves the overall wellbeing and a chemical released by trees was even found to boost the immune system.

– Sabrina, Health Scientist (@simsalabim.sabrini)

Why is it important for our generation to appreciate the beauty in the world outside of social media? 

Touching soil, watching flowers blossom and decay, nature presents a spectacle of life 24/7. Social media usually only showcases artificial views, constructed ideals. Nature will astound you, surprise you, inspire you in unexpected ways. Our greatest fears and insecurities are often a crucial part of nature’s cycles of life. Death, reproduction, the pure being.

– Lie Ning, Musician (@lie__ning)

Why has it become a necessity for our generation to not only challenge consumerism but also support sustainable design and environmentally friendly companies? 

We are destroying our planet in wanting and owning the hottest shit all the time. It’s our duty to change the way we think about consumerism and support sustainable companies. We have to create new ways and adapt it into our lifestyle.

– Elli Darke, Stylist (@ellidrake)

Managing the emotional pendulum of 2020 and all of its experiences, I’ve come to realize the true value of clothes and its impact on our planet. It’s no secret that the fashion industry produces 10% of all humanity’s carbon emissions, is the second largest consumer of the world’s water supply and pollutes the oceans with microplastics. So, why isn’t there more collective urgency to find sustainable solutions at scale when it comes to the clothes we wear? Why is mother nature paying the price? How is that fair? That’s not her problem.

Instead of buying the same old brand from the same old shop, why not thrift it or buy something that’s sustainably produced? There are so many small businesses and even big brands committed to creating earth-friendly innovative solutions.

Title and Nike have come together to talk about our shared values and our commitment to planet earth. A mutual love for the outdoors gave me not only the freedom to write this ode to mother nature, but to learn more about Nike’s evolving mission to Move to Zero – the company’s journey toward zero carbon and zero waste.

With this letter, I wanted to take the opportunity to try to remind people of the earth’s current situation. If you haven’t already noticed or covid hasn’t already reminded you, or the clock isn’t big enough for you to read it, we’re nearing mass extinction. We need to protect our planet.

With 85 percent of the latest Nike ACG apparel collection containing more than 90 percent recycled content, the goal is not simply new gear. Rather, the aim is to appreciate the outdoor surroundings and experience them while being conscious of the environment.

I’ve never considered myself a nature person, until I realized that was ridiculous. We’re fighting so many societal norms and labels nowadays, and worrying about whether you fit the criteria of a “textbook outdoors person” isn’t really worth agonizing over. There are obviously bigger things to worry about. Appreciate nature in your own way and in the easiest way possible. Sometimes that’s throwing your trash in the right bin, using a metal straw or writing about a sustainable collection for an online magazine. Don’t take our Earth for granted, she’s all we’ve got.

More things like this coming soon. Stick around if you enjoyed reading “Nature’s Love Letter”.


Jasmin Kraenzel