Is the Future of the Black Community only in Sports and Music?

What should be the goals of the black community? How does the black youth develop in your country?

In the early 1990s, shortly after the end of the Cold War, many africans migrated germany. This generation of migrants also included my parents. The racism was very present and very aggressive at the time: being black was not meant to be cool. Our parents’ primary struggle was to be recognized as blacks and find a place in society. Nowadays we belong to a generation that was born in germany and grew up here. But what is our job? The first point is: Be proud of who u are. To love and respect oneself does not mean to hate others. It is necessary his knowing identity and for that it is important for us as a community to know our roots and stories.

For the history point – who actually tells the African story? The entities that are ours, writing history secretly determines who we are. Like a Theodore Roosevelt said, “The more we know about our past, the more we can prepare our future.”. IfI I want to know the story of my family, then I do not ask my neighbours! We have to tell our story our selves, and we could and should do so support successful black historians, such as Cheikh Anta Diop. But a Cheikh Anta Diop is not considered a role model among black teenagers. Drake or Lebron James for example already take that position. A dunk by Lebron James can make millions of basketball fans happy, but a dunk doesn’t us as a community much further.

Our responsibility does not apply to a basketball court. A music video by Drake also does make people respect black culture ourselves. Nowadays blackness has a certain “coolness” to it, and fortunately you can see more and more black people on TV and in movies. In the modeling industry nowadays there is a lot more diversity and more people are recognizing the beauty of being black. Currently, we have an increase of black people who are very successful in the sports and music business, who are able to finance a certain standard of living. But being black should not just mean that you can provide entertainment with music or sports. We need to think about the community as a whole and educate ourselves with our history and our past.

We need to rid ourselves of the minority complexes that have been ingrained in us from decades of systematic racism and grow our potential in society. Especially after the long humiliation that has befallen our ancestors, it is important that our community stands up and acknowledge itself instead of seeking the esteem of others.

Independently educating yourself is essential to breaking out of the stereotypes that are assigned to us. Being aware of who you are and where you come and opening a dialogue with older generations is essential, as they can transfer their knowledge about icons like Malcom X and Patrice Lumumba to the next generations. Through education we can learn to appreciate each other equally and prove to ourselves that we are capable of more. The only way we can leave the generational trauma and expectations induced by colonialism and slavery behind, is by perpetually furthering our knowledge, being aware of our history, and crossing boundaries that have never been crossed.

I’m not impressed when Stephen Curry throws a three pointer twelve times in a game. I’m not impressed when an African country is playing in the World Cup for the first time. I would be much more impressed, if black people would focus on the passion and struggle of the community represented. The next generation must look in the mirror with pride, and know that being black carries a huge responsibility that can often be a burden, but also a welcomed challenge, meant to be seized with an open mind and a head held high.